Regardless of the sex factor (as well as any other factors such as race, age and economic activity), the mixing of races in the modern day makes it not only difficult, but almost impossible, for a specific person to claim that since he or she is this or that race, losing hair will not be an issue.

However, there are things that are indeed myths regarding that; we will discuss some of them here now.

  • Using hats can cause hair loss
  • This myth comes on the back of another myth – one that states that using a tight hat or a cap can cause hair problem; it does make hair thinner but not disappear altogether. It probably started as balding people wear hats, so the rumour was begun that hats cause baldness.

  • It is your mother’s fault
  • This can indeed be true. Genetic predisposition can exacerbate the hair loss problems; however it is only on the mother’s side. The genetic pool that comes from the male side starts hair loss at age 18-20, while the female genetic pool, between the ages of 45-55; so, if you lose your hair at a young age it is more likely to be your father’s fault. If you lose your hair at a later age, blame your mother!

  • You can prevent hair loss by having sex
  • Sex is fun, but it is no magical cure or prevention to a problem that is mainly genetic. Indeed, there are a number of substances that are released by the body when you are having sex, still there is no scientific evidence that these substances can actually prevent or stop in its tracks. But if you are balding and having sex makes you feel good – then go for it!

  • Ingesting substances
  • The use of vitamins, minerals and even steroids does not prevent or stop hair loss; once again, many hair problems are mainly genetic. As such, there is little to nothing you can do to prevent or even reverse such a problem. Furthermore, in the case of male it sufferers, some types of steroids actually increase and accelerate the already genetically preset that.

  • Excessive heat
  • Some artists and other entertainers claim that the heavy lighting that they experience at their daily jobs, as well as the constant use of hair dryers, have caused them hair loss problems. While this might have some degree of responsibility, it does not cause hair problems, rather it can make the hair brittle, thin, and can even cause split ends.
