There are 3 major problems that face people trying to lose belly fat or lose weight in general. Before you start on any weigh loss program you will need to fully understand these and clear them out as they can be very counter productive to any program. Plus find out how to burn belly fat 37% faster at the end of this article

  • You are not eating right. Bulging stomach are not only caused by excess fat. You may think all thats making you stomach bulge is fat while actually you belly is filled with many toxic chemicals that come from eating the wrong foods. Most of these chemicals are from the processed food that manufacturers would like you to think are health foods. These chemicals cause your increase your fat storing hormones so your body tends to store more fat in the belly region. These chemicals are addictive in the long run making us crave more and more for processed foods (also read as more money for these processed food manufacturers).
  • You are eating too much but not getting the right nutrients. The human body needs certain nutrients to be able to function properly. Failure to get these nutrients cause the brain to keep asking your stomach for these nutrients thus making you eat more and more. This becomes a vicious cycle and before long you start adding weight or in our case you are not able to lose the weight or lose the belly fat you targeted.
  • Your metabolism is in a mess. Bad eating and extreme calorie deficient diets completely mess up your metabolism and should be avoided at all cost. Eating the wrong foods reduces the ability of your body to burn calories effectively so your body tends to hang on to all the fat it has. Extreme dieting has the same effect as your body goes into starvation mode thus hanging on to all the fat it is able to. Since these kind of diets are not sustainable long term, once you go back to normal eating you actually add more fat than you originally had.

To get some sneaky tricks that will help you burn belly fat 37% faster CLICK HERE
