
As an adult, permanent teeth are meant to last a lifetime. But then, there are also some reasons why tooth extraction becomes necessary. Common reasons include badly damaged teeth due to trauma or decay which needs to be repaired, and mild to severe pain.

Here are a few other signs, which may indicate that you need to have a tooth extracted:

1. You have a crowded mouth.

If a patient is going to undergo orthodontia, dentists will pull teeth to help prepare the mouth. Orthodontia is done to align the teeth properly, which won’t be possible only if your teeth are too big for your mouth.

If a tooth cannot erupt or break through the gum because of not having enough room in the mouth for it, the dentist may recommend on pulling a tooth.

Also, if you have extra teeth that may possibly block other teeth from coming in, tooth extraction may be done.

2. There is infection in the mouth.

If tooth decay or damage is left untreated, it will extend to the pulp or the center of the tooth, which contains the nerves as well as the corresponding blood vessels. Be made aware that any bacteria can then go through this part and might lead to infection.

This case can often be corrected by filling, crown, or doing the Root Canal Therapy (RCT) but if it happens that the infection is just too severe and antibiotics or RCT cannot cure it, tooth extraction may be done to prevent the further spreading of infection to the other parts of the mouth.

3. Your body is at risk of infection.

If you are in a state where your immune system is compromised (take for example, receiving chemotherapy or having an organ transplant) a particular tooth, which may be a cause for a risk of infection may be extracted.

4. You have a gum disease.

Also known as periodontal disease, which is known as the infection of the tissues and bones surrounding and supporting the teeth, may have caused loosening of a tooth, which makes it necessary to be extracted.

5. You have wisdom teeth symptoms.

This feels like teething even though you’re already an adult. Usually situated at the back of your mouth, swelling can be felt as if there is a tooth trying to erupt.

Also known as third molars, the wisdom teeth are often extracted either before or after they finally come in. Wisdom teeth often come in when a person is in his/her late teens or early 20s.

If the wisdom teeth are decayed, or are causing severe pain, or have a cyst or infection, they need to be removed immediately.

Oftentimes, these teeth get stuck in the jaw and do not fully come in which can irritate the gum and cause pain and swelling. If the four wisdom teeth are to be removed, they will usually be taken out at the same time.


When you feel any sort of pain in your teeth, you need not really think about extraction. To be sure, have an appointment with your dentist and have it checked. He/she will know best on what to do and how to treat the discomfort you are feeling.
