There are numerous explanations for why many people suffer from hair loss during their lifetime. It could be attributed to a single factor or alternatively a collection of reasons, having a better understanding will help the individual deal with the condition and find the best solution.

Losing your hair can be extremely embarrassing. It can make you feel depressed, undesirable and lower your self-esteem. In many cases hair loss saps your confidence and leaves you feeling deflated..

1. The Ageing Process

Hair loss is a perfectly normal component of the hair growth cycle; it is common to lose between 50 and 150 hairs daily from hair shedding however they are usually replaced by the growth of new hairs.

As we age, replacement of hair slows down as the rate at which the follicles replenish themselves starts to dwindle. Protein is synthesised less in the body since less growth and changes are taking place, this could lead to hair falling out and slow new rejuvenation.

Hair loss is more common among ageing men, than women. These losses are influenced by protein, pigment and by the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT)

2. Toxic substance abuse/ Alcohol

Consuming high volumes of alcohol on a regular basis is known to increase the risk of susceptibility to serious medical conditions such as Cancer and Diabetes.

The recommended daily alcohol allowance for men is two to three units and three to four units for women.

Prolonged excesses of alcohol can trigger baldness due to higher oestrogen levels in the blood. The body’s ability to absorb and distribute several key nutrients is also hampered by alcohol abuse.

3. Nervous Disorders/ Stress

Stress can be the cause of an array of health problems and conditions, which affect many people across the globe, this includes hair loss in men and women. As more individuals report hair loss as a symptom while going through periods of high stress (such as divorce, bereavement, unemployment and even childbirth) more doctors are looking into the medical connection of these two conditions.

When an individual experiences intense stress, chemicals in the body will transmit signals to the hair follicles, which cause them to enter a resting phase. During this phase there is no new hair growth. In the following few months hair will be shed normally but new growth will not occur to replace lost hair.

Around the time of surgical operations when we feel anxious and stressed, our bodies as a threat induced reaction, diverting nutrients to our major organs; the heart, lungs and muscles. This can result in the hair becoming weakened and hair loss occurs. In severe cases, hair follicles can stop producing new hair altogether.
